A Lightness of Being Created…a Wall demolished. “Facing the Fear of Embarrassment” (Part II)

Path of Three Hundred

As I wrote the last post about facing the Fears of Embarrassment and Humiliation (see link at bottom of post), something wonderful began to happen.

Yes, I had the conversations with my Personal Devil in my head like…

“Dude…do you really want to admit to telling a massive lie?”

“What will people think?”

“People thought you were crazy before…now they will know.”

“Just go to work, keep this under the carpet and smile like you are perfect because when you admit to being a liar about something, nobody will ever trust you again.”

“blah, blah blah…”


Yet, as I drew near to the finish line of completing the post, I began to smile and feel a lightness of Being within my Core.  I didn’t have to hide a thing which I considered to be big.  And that is the point…it really wasn’t big…it was just a creation of my…

View original post 350 more words


2 Comments on “A Lightness of Being Created…a Wall demolished. “Facing the Fear of Embarrassment” (Part II)”

  1. I HAVE A VOICE April 5, 2013 at 9:01 pm #

    always a real time of reflection for me to read your soul’s passages ~thank you ~ Deborah

    • Greg Frucci April 6, 2013 at 9:40 am #

      You’re welcome Deborah…
      and thank you for travelling along the Path with me.

      Peace to You,

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